When We Are Married

10th November
Acted by: Directed by: Written by:
Masham Players would like to thank the above for their participation!


M8 (young, middle-age) F7 (young, 20s, middle-age). A sitting-room. Period 1900.

Twenty-five years ago, the Helliwells, the Parkers and the Soppitts were married on the same day by the same parson. They gather at the Helliwell home to celebrate their silver wedding. The new chapel organist tells them that he recently met the parson who conducted the triple wedding ceremony — he was not authorized to do so. Pandemonium breaks out when these pillars of society believe they have been living in sin for twenty-five years.


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Our next show will be in November 2024. The title is yet to be decided. See 'LATEST NEWS ' for updates.

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